
ከእርሱም የተነሣ፣ አካል ሁሉ በሚያገናኘው ጅማት እየተያያዘና እየተጋጠመ፣ እያንዳንዱ ክፍል የራሱን ሥራ እያከናወነ በፍቅር ያድጋል፤ ራሱንም ያንጻል።
ኤፌሶን 4:16


ከእርሱም የተነሣ፣ አካል ሁሉ በሚያገናኘው ጅማት እየተያያዘና እየተጋጠመ፣ እያንዳንዱ ክፍል የራሱን ሥራ እያከናወነ በፍቅር ያድጋል፤ ራሱንም ያንጻል።
ኤፌሶን 4:16

Worship Ministry

We have strong and growing Choir ministry.
Please use the link to learn more.

Prayer Ministry

Our church has been very much focused on
prayer. Prayer meetings are conducted throughout
the week both in the mornings and evenings.
Please use the link to go to the ministry page.

Home Groups Ministry

We consider home groups to be a catalyst of Church
growth and multiplicaton. We have a number of meetings
throughout the week. Please use the link to learn more.

Receive Christ

To be saved by Christ, one must first believe in Him and accept Him as own Lord and Savior. This involves acknowledging that you are a sinner and in need of forgiveness, and accepting Christ’s sacrifice on the cross as the only way of that forgiveness.

In doing so, one will receive the gift of salvation and eternal life with God. Additionally, it is important for believers to maintain a strong relationship with Christ through prayer, reading the Bible, and fellowship with other believers. This will help them to grow in their faith and stay on the path of righteousness.


Foundations Class 

Foundations is a four-week class that gathers on Sunday mornings 8:30AM to 9:30AM. The purpose of Foundations is to help you learn the foundational truths of Christianity. A building’s foundation is what makes it strong and keeps it from collapsing. If we want an unshakable faith, you need to know what core truths to believe and stand on. This class is for new believers, seekers and believers who have never taken a class like this.

Water Baptism

At TECP, we believe that water baptism is an act of obedience and a celebration of your decision to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Just as the symbols of the wedding and wedding ring are a declaration of a marriage covenant, water baptism is the outward declaration of the covenant you’ve made with God. As your church, we would like to stand with you as you publicly declare that you have made the decision to surrender your life to the Lord.

Church Location

6839 Chestnut St, Upper Darby, PA 19082

Sunday Servicw Time

12:30 pm – 3 pm