Prayer Ministry

በሰማያት የምትኖር አባታችን ሆይ፤
ስምህ ይቀደስ፤
መንግሥትህ ትምጣ፤
ፈቃድህ በሰማይ እንደ ሆነች፣
እንዲሁ በምድር ትሁን።
ማቴዎስ 6:9-10


On Zoom Meetings

Prayer meetings are streamed via Zoom. Once the rooms
are opened by the Host you can use the
link below to attend.

Pray Without Ceasing

Weekly Schedule

Monday – Friday  |  6 AM – 12 PM ET

Wednesdays – Fasting & Prayer
6 AM –  8 PM ET
Fridays  |  9 PM – Midnight ET

Join With Zoom